
McDowell Ministries was incorporated in the State of Oklahoma in 1995 and is recognized by the USA Federal Government as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All contributions are in USD and are tax-deductible. Make checks payable to McDowell Ministries. For electronic options, visit our home page on our website at Stateside address-McDowell Ministries, Inc, PO Box 30809, Oklahoma City, OK 73140 (1-405-323-0013); Overseas address-World Witness Training Centre, PO Box 627, Maragoli--50300, Kenya (254-729-834008)



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Director Wycliffe Adagala teaching on Team Work

Director Wycliffe Adagala teaching on Team Work

href=””>Sister Leta McDowell and Pastor Eloice Gray During the Seminar on Early Childhood Development Sister Leta McDowell and Pastor Eloice Gray During the Seminar on Early Childhood Development[/caption]

Bro. Clifton McDowell taught on Workplace Ministries

Bro. Clifton McDowell taught on Workplace Ministries

World Witness Training Centre August 2013 Seminar was very successful. Forty two guests and twenty one Alumni were in attendance. Three major subjects were covered; Practical Management in Team Work, Early Childhood Development and Work Place Ministry (Ministry outside the Church walls) it was a life changing seminar. We have had powerful positive feedback and we give all the Glory to God.
Our speakers were; The Presiding Bishop of Word of Faith Ministries Dr. Isaak Wawire, The WWTC Founders Dr. Leta and Clifton McDowell, The WWTC Director Rev. Wycliffe Adagala, Guest Speakers from USA Pastor Tim and Eloice Gray, Pastor Bill and Shalla Terrel.
Just some nuggets, I learnt that attitude can kill a team or give it life; it can propel the team to the next level or cause it to plateau. What touched me most in Early Childhood Development was the fact that if you don’t touch or hold the children, there are areas in their brains that fail to develop and also we fail to bond with the children. Ministry is not just in Church on Sundays but we are called 24/7 to serve the Lord. Wherever you are at your places of work you are a representative of Christ.
We look forward to seeing you in December for another seminar as from 17th to 20th. Register before the 2nd of December, space is limited. We are also registering for the 2014 class, all the half day students will be sponsored by McDowell Ministries but they will have to pay for their Registration, Library fee and Graduation fee. Register before the 15th of December 2013, classes will begin on the 7th of January 2014.


Why Leadership Training is Necessary in the Mission Field by Clifton McDowell


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I am writing this blog in response to many questions we have endeavored to address over the years about the purpose of training supportive ministries in under-developed areas of the world.

Good people who want to help in these nations, see the starving children, orphans, aids problem, evangelism, and many other needs worthy of help. We are concerned and do care about all of these.

The problem we have seen over the 16 years of ministering in Africa and other areas of the world is that there is a lot of worthy causes, but not a lot of trained natives to take positions in these places of ministry. Many are not qualified nor having the character to operate them effectively.
We have seen so much money misused and wasted for lack of trained management and leaders. It is heart breaking to see people with a loving desire to give to the needs of the peoples of the world only to have no results because of poor management or worse, ripped off at the hands of deceivers and con men.

This brings us to the question at hand about the need for training indigenous people to go into these positions equipped to handle the task and make a difference with lasting results. What most people do not understand is that in training people to go to work in the orphanages, ministries, evangelism, and all kinds of positions in society it helps to fill those needs to accomplish the goals of care-taking, feeding, winning soles and overall making a better society in which to live.
We are convinced more than ever before that the need for practical training of people (not necessarily for the five-fold ministry), but as supportive ministries, leadership in the church and other facets of life and livelihood is vital to excellence and accountability in the Kingdom of God.

God spoke to my wife and me in January of 1999 in a prophetic word as we were praying about our ministry. He gave us the vision that has brought us to where we are today. He said we would be training people to go out to the places of their ministry; encouraged, established, equipped and empowered to serve in that place. (If anyone if interested in seeing this vision in its entirety we would be glad to post it.)
God referred to it as a training station compared to “Grand Central Station”, like the trains coming in and going out. We were to be like the station masters overseeing the training. So we know that God is very interested in training His people to go out into those places that we are all so concerned about.

Many times since this profound vision was given God has reconfirmed it over and over again, so we know it is still and always will be the heart of God to have such training.

In 2004 we moved to Mbale, Kenya, Africa to begin the vision God has called us to fulfill. God told us to call it World Witness Training Center. In the beginning when the the Kenyans couldn’t even pronounce it, we wondered if we had missed it. Then He took us to Mat. 24:14 and it all became clear to us. There we found the words ‘world’ and ‘witness’ together in the context of our purpose.
Training people makes sense and it makes a big difference in their lives so they can make a difference in someone else’s life.



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Rev Ben and I were sent to Maasai to minister in a conference on 12th Monday to 18th Sunday August 2013. We had a great move of God in Maasai, teaching the Word of God in simplicity which was powerful connection with the simplicity of Praise and Worship by the Maasai people in their native language. The conference was organized by Word of Faith Ministries Intl and Christ Gospel Ministries
We taught mainly on the threefold nature of Man, family, youth leadership, the value of women in family and ministry, faith, moving forward regardless of the challenge one may be experiencing and the power of anointing. Youths who had abandoned school resolved to going back after encouraging them about the value of education. 38 souls received Jesus as Lord and Savior, the sick were healed, and on Sunday we had great outpouring of the Spirit of God. We challenged the women and the youth to take up their place and serve God. We called an alter call for all those women and youth who had desire to preach and we laid hands on them, then we gave them some short time to preach.

– Means of transport was a problem, in that we had to walk to and fro to the venue.
– Shops are 25km away, making it difficult to get supplies like drinks, water, food
– We ate same kind of food throughout especially meat and milk.
– Language barrier, most speak Maasai language we had translators
We trusted in God and finally the grace was sufficient to sustain us there.
We also tried as much as we could to get all we needed from the shopping Centre so we that we did not have to travel a long way again.
We are more prepared to go back to Maasai land again.



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WWTC STAFF at the Mon-a-mi which is currently being run by the Vic Hotel. We were celebrating the August Birthdays and it was all fun.
Bro. Steve, Bro. Oliver and Sis. Rose’s Birthdays all fall in August, this staff day out for these people’s celebration was timely as we needed time away from work and home to get together as a team. Bro. Ben had also just got a Baby Boy named after Dad Clifton McDowell, Baby Clifton Royal, the staff were so happy for him and celebrated Baby Clifton who also joins the August Birthdays. We are a Big Happy Family.
We were served huge bowls of chicken, Vegetable Salad, French fries, Bhajias, Pork Chops, Hamburger, soda and Ice Cream. Once again we wish our August Birthday Boys and Girl very wonderful and prosperous years ahead.



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Dear Sponsor,
I hereby write this letter to thank you for sponsoring me during my training at World Witness Training Centre. May the Almighty God bless you and your Ministry so that He can accomplish the vision that is in you. May you have that heart of helping people.
I hereby look forward to pursuing the Courses that are offered at WWTC and more so, I thank God for what He is doing through you and your Ministry. I also thank God for being a part of the WWTC Family through my transition as an Alumnus.
May God give you long life as you do the work He has given you. Thank you very much.

Yours faithfully
Victor Kadenyi

Dear Sponsor,
Praise the Lord! I take this opportunity to thank God for you. I appreciate you for standing with me to the last point whereby you found me a sponsor.
I do say thank you so much because, I have found that God makes a way where there seems none. To me, all things were blue and I had no otherwise.
May the Lord bless you richly and meet you at your point of needs.
Yours in Christ,
Mercy Salano



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Dear Sponsor,
Praise the Lord, I am fine in the Lord I believe you are also fine. I thank the Lord for the far He has brought me in this training and I have gained a lot by knowing my responsibilities as a leader.
All this has come to fulfillment because of the heart of love and concern you had towards me by paying my tuition fee.
Sincerely, I have had amble time in training. May the Lord bless you abundantly and may you continue having a heart of love and concern towards others also.
Thank you, God bless you.
Yours faithfully,
Christine A. Kigame


Thanks to All Who Participated in WWTC-Kenya 2013 Graduation by Rev. Judith Otanga

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Rev. Judith Otanga, Dean of Alumni

Rev. Judith Otanga, Dean of Alumni

I first of all thank God who answered our prayers by honoring us with good weather and enabling all our graduates to be at the campus on time and in health. I thank the Board of Trustees and members of McDowell Ministries for standing with us thus far. I thank the Founders of WWTC, Drs. Clifton and Leta McDowell for answering the call of God which has seen 80 alumni graduate, find their place in the kingdom of God in their various ministries and most of all to STAND. I thank the staff of WWTC; Director, Dean of Continuing Studies, Outreach Coordinator, Facilities Coordinator, staff in training, and our hospitality department for all they did in their various assignments to make the 2013 graduation day a success! Last but not least, I thank the graduates, both the 2013 class and the alumni that were receiving their associate degrees because this day would not be a success without them. Thank you all very much!!! Rev. Judith Otanga, Dean of Alumni Affairs


Gradution Celebration 2013 at WWTC-Kenya


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Staff and students share a celebration luncheon together the day before graduation.

Staff and students share a celebration luncheon together the day before graduation.

Getting ready for the graduation ceremony

Getting ready for the graduation ceremony

The WWTC-Kenya Graduating Class of 2013

The WWTC-Kenya Graduating Class of 2013

WWTC-Kenya Staff with the Founders (Drs. Clifton and Leta McDowell)

WWTC-Kenya Staff with the Founders (Drs. Clifton and Leta McDowell)

Founders of WWTC-Kenya...Drs. Leta and Clifton McDowell

Founders of WWTC-Kenya…Drs. Leta and Clifton McDowell

Graduating Class under the big tent

Graduating Class under the big tent

Rev. Wycliffe Adagala, Director of WWTC-Kenya addresses the graduates.

Rev. Wycliffe Adagala, Director of WWTC-Kenya addresses the graduates.

Rev. Judith Otanga, Dean of Alumni addresses the graduates

Rev. Judith Otanga, Dean of Alumni addresses the graduates

Bishop Dr. Isaac Wawire, top graduates-Tazo and Javan and the McDowell's

Bishop Dr. Isaac Wawire, top graduates-Tazo and Javan and the McDowell’s

Hope you enjoy of pictorial presentation of the 2013 Graduation Ceremony which was conducted on the campus of World Witness Training Centre in Kenya. Pictures speak louder than words! Congratulations to all the graduates. 9 received their completion certificates and 10 received their Associate of Practical Theology degrees.




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Fresh paint to brighten things up a bit

Fresh paint to brighten things up a bit



We are working on beautifying the campus before graduation. The workers have diligently put their hand to painting the buildings and planting flowers and shrubs. It is looking so bright around the campus. It brings a new attitude to the staff and students.

On Saturday, 27th of July the campus will be ready for the graduation of our 9th class. 9 students will receive completion certificates and 10 will receive an Associate of Practical Theology degree. We are expecting 300+ friends, family and guests of our graduates. 4 tents beautifully decorated will be set up to house all the guests. Alumni will conduct praise and worship. Bishop Isaac Wawire along with his wife Jane will be our guest speakers. It promises to be an exciting day.


Clifton McDowell helping to beautify WWTC-Kenya Campus

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The handle on the paint roller (imported from China) broke and this is what Oliver Aluvala, Facilities Administrator, came up with to fix it. He put a shovel handle that had broke off the shovel onto the paint roller as a handle. Now I would say that is Kenyan ingenuity! It fixed the problem and they enjoy the paint roller. They had never used those before! Paint brushes is the normal way to paint here and it is slow. They have found that the paint roller is much faster. They got the whole building finished up in just a couple of hours! We think everything will be ready for graduation on Saturday, 27th July

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