WWTC STAFF at the Mon-a-mi which is currently being run by the Vic Hotel. We were celebrating the August Birthdays and it was all fun.
Bro. Steve, Bro. Oliver and Sis. Rose’s Birthdays all fall in August, this staff day out for these people’s celebration was timely as we needed time away from work and home to get together as a team. Bro. Ben had also just got a Baby Boy named after Dad Clifton McDowell, Baby Clifton Royal, the staff were so happy for him and celebrated Baby Clifton who also joins the August Birthdays. We are a Big Happy Family.
We were served huge bowls of chicken, Vegetable Salad, French fries, Bhajias, Pork Chops, Hamburger, soda and Ice Cream. Once again we wish our August Birthday Boys and Girl very wonderful and prosperous years ahead.
August 23, 2013 by
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