Director Wycliffe Adagala teaching on Team Work

Director Wycliffe Adagala teaching on Team Work

href=””>Sister Leta McDowell and Pastor Eloice Gray During the Seminar on Early Childhood Development Sister Leta McDowell and Pastor Eloice Gray During the Seminar on Early Childhood Development[/caption]

Bro. Clifton McDowell taught on Workplace Ministries

Bro. Clifton McDowell taught on Workplace Ministries

World Witness Training Centre August 2013 Seminar was very successful. Forty two guests and twenty one Alumni were in attendance. Three major subjects were covered; Practical Management in Team Work, Early Childhood Development and Work Place Ministry (Ministry outside the Church walls) it was a life changing seminar. We have had powerful positive feedback and we give all the Glory to God.
Our speakers were; The Presiding Bishop of Word of Faith Ministries Dr. Isaak Wawire, The WWTC Founders Dr. Leta and Clifton McDowell, The WWTC Director Rev. Wycliffe Adagala, Guest Speakers from USA Pastor Tim and Eloice Gray, Pastor Bill and Shalla Terrel.
Just some nuggets, I learnt that attitude can kill a team or give it life; it can propel the team to the next level or cause it to plateau. What touched me most in Early Childhood Development was the fact that if you don’t touch or hold the children, there are areas in their brains that fail to develop and also we fail to bond with the children. Ministry is not just in Church on Sundays but we are called 24/7 to serve the Lord. Wherever you are at your places of work you are a representative of Christ.
We look forward to seeing you in December for another seminar as from 17th to 20th. Register before the 2nd of December, space is limited. We are also registering for the 2014 class, all the half day students will be sponsored by McDowell Ministries but they will have to pay for their Registration, Library fee and Graduation fee. Register before the 15th of December 2013, classes will begin on the 7th of January 2014.

McDowell Ministries was incorporated in the State of Oklahoma in 1995 and is recognized by the USA Federal Government as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All contributions are in USD and are tax-deductible. Make checks payable to McDowell Ministries. For electronic options, visit our home page on our website at Stateside address-McDowell Ministries, Inc, PO Box 30809, Oklahoma City, OK 73140 (1-405-323-0013); Overseas address-World Witness Training Centre, PO Box 627, Maragoli--50300, Kenya (254-729-834008)