Rev. Judith Otanga, Dean of Alumni

Rev. Judith Otanga, Dean of Alumni

I first of all thank God who answered our prayers by honoring us with good weather and enabling all our graduates to be at the campus on time and in health. I thank the Board of Trustees and members of McDowell Ministries for standing with us thus far. I thank the Founders of WWTC, Drs. Clifton and Leta McDowell for answering the call of God which has seen 80 alumni graduate, find their place in the kingdom of God in their various ministries and most of all to STAND. I thank the staff of WWTC; Director, Dean of Continuing Studies, Outreach Coordinator, Facilities Coordinator, staff in training, and our hospitality department for all they did in their various assignments to make the 2013 graduation day a success! Last but not least, I thank the graduates, both the 2013 class and the alumni that were receiving their associate degrees because this day would not be a success without them. Thank you all very much!!! Rev. Judith Otanga, Dean of Alumni Affairs

McDowell Ministries was incorporated in the State of Oklahoma in 1995 and is recognized by the USA Federal Government as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All contributions are in USD and are tax-deductible. Make checks payable to McDowell Ministries. For electronic options, visit our home page on our website at Stateside address-McDowell Ministries, Inc, PO Box 30809, Oklahoma City, OK 73140 (1-405-323-0013); Overseas address-World Witness Training Centre, PO Box 627, Maragoli--50300, Kenya (254-729-834008)