My Experience in WWTC
It was on January 10th, when I attended an overnight Prayer Meeting in Word of Faith Church Magada. I sat with brother Stanly who told me that there was an opportunity in WWTC and he insisted that I dint have to miss it. I assured him that I would try my best and join.
My first day at WWTC, I met the Founders, Bro. Ben and Sis. Judith, they gave me an interview and asked me to join the others in class. In class I found brothers and sisters who had come ready to be equipped to go and transform the World.
I walked for six hours every day, three hours in the morning and three hours in the afternoon to get to school. The first week was too heavy for me. But I learnt confession. I confessed who I am in Christ on my way to school and on my way home. I said; ‘I am strong and not weak, more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus, He who is in me is greater than he who is in the World e.t.c.’
The enemy tried to challenge me that I could not make it but I spoke the word every step of the way, one week turned to a month then three months and there was April break. After the break I was ready to walk again. One day to one month then three months and now I celebrate that I made it. Devil! I made it! I am graduating!
At school, all the teachings were new and life transforming. I urge all Pastors and Leaders to send Leaders to WWTC. I will personally sponsor one half day, I want to give back to WWTC I will pay Registration, Library and Graduation fee for one person. God bless the Founders and Staff of WWTC.

McDowell Ministries was incorporated in the State of Oklahoma in 1995 and is recognized by the USA Federal Government as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All contributions are in USD and are tax-deductible. Make checks payable to McDowell Ministries. For electronic options, visit our home page on our website at www.mcdowellministries.org. Stateside address-McDowell Ministries, Inc, PO Box 30809, Oklahoma City, OK 73140 (1-405-323-0013); Overseas address-World Witness Training Centre, PO Box 627, Maragoli--50300, Kenya (254-729-834008)