It was wonderful being at Khwisero where one prospective student comes from. The whole WWTC Team was in attendance and Dr.Clifton preached on transformation and Rev. Steve interpreted. We had a great visitation of the Holy Spirit. Glory to God.
McDowell Ministries was incorporated in the State of Oklahoma in 1995 and is recognized by the USA Federal Government as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All contributions are in USD and are tax-deductible. Make checks payable to McDowell Ministries. For electronic options, visit our home page on our website at Stateside address-McDowell Ministries, Inc, PO Box 30809, Oklahoma City, OK 73140 (1-405-323-0013); Overseas address-World Witness Training Centre, PO Box 627, Maragoli--50300, Kenya (254-729-834008)
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