Rev. Leta teaching on “Guarding Your Heart” with Rev. Steve interpreting.

Rev. Clifton with the Pastors attending the conference.

Rev. Clifton preaching on “The 4th Man in the Fire.”

Conference attendees during praise and worship.
The McDowells along with WWTC staff member Rev. Steven Auchi conducted a leadership conference in October, 2013 at Bungoma, Kenya hosted by Pastor Charles of Hallelujah Church.
Many local pastors were in attendance along with church leaders and a group of students from the local university Christian Union. One of those students is a 2011 alumnus of WWTC.
The theme of the conference was Heart Transformation. Rev. Steve taught “Living from Your Heart” in the first Saturday session. Rev. Leta taught on “Guarding Your Heart” in the second Saturday session. During praise and worship in between sessions there was an awesome presence of the Holy Spirit. Rev. Clifton taught on “Moving Forward Through a Transformed Heart” in the third Saturday session.
The team stayed over to minister in the regular Sunday services. Rev. Leta taught on “The Law of Faith” with Rev. Steve interpreting for her. Rev. Clifton taught on “The 4th Man in the Fire.” All those needing prayer were prayed for. There was a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit and many were healed and delivered as hands were laid on them.
The Holy Spirit is moving in Bungoma and the people there are hungry for the Word of God! It was an awesome time for everyone. The Holy Spirit was able to accomplish much and lives were changed for His glory! Praise the Lord!