Thank you all our partners that supported us in purchasing the new Computers, the full day students are happy and learning new applications that 8. God bless you all so much.
The Rev.
McDowell Ministries was incorporated in the State of Oklahoma in 1995 and is recognized by the USA Federal Government as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All contributions are in USD and are tax-deductible. Make checks payable to McDowell Ministries. For electronic options, visit our home page on our website at Stateside address-McDowell Ministries, Inc, PO Box 30809, Oklahoma City, OK 73140 (1-405-323-0013); Overseas address-World Witness Training Centre, PO Box 627, Maragoli--50300, Kenya (254-729-834008)
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Thanks for sharing. The students are learning so much from the classes. Great job.